Since no one claimed the prize we are going to roll over the amount and this week's amount is 27 cents.


Here's a new definition-

Re-define- A really nice word because flip-flop means you lie to the public.


The NFL also banned the use of bandanas by players/playas because of the meaning behind them. Colors and the way they were worn were also signs of gang affliation.

The funniest part of the 'furor' behind the 'hand signs' is that the sports morons/writers were trying to figure out what constitutes a gang sign.

Try sideline and post-TD celebrations?

I had to laugh when a sports show panel member tried to explain it away as guys just being stupid and kids asking their parents, when they see it happend during a game, "What does that mean?"

The kids know more than the parents do.


I loved the BO assertion that his wife shouldn't be considered part of the media blitz behind his run for office.

You can leave her home or tell her not to speak at any kind of public function.
You can't stuff the genie back into the bottle.

And what does "judgement to lead" mean?

Is that the 'slogan of the month'? Or a push for votes in Europe and the Middle East?