Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post

Booby Flake is married to an actress--the name escapes me. I think she's on Law and Order but I'm not sure. My love affair with that guy is over. What an egotistical maniac!! I can't wait to see how obnoxious he can be tonight. More than usual?? He really acts like he's too good for everybody.
He is married to Stephanie March. Who played I think one of the lawyer people on L&W SVU....mariska hargitay, I guess set them up on a blind date.
Ruins the whole show for me now.

I've been reading this thread for a while, and it is insane how much I agree with some of you!

Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post

I was flipping thru the posts in this site and came across this one...

True Bobby Flay story: We contacted Bobby Flay at the food network for a paid public appearance at a convention in Las Vegas. His demands exceeded most Rock Stars! He wanted $60K to fly in, 2 first class round trip tickets from NYC for him and his "assistant" (read girlfriend) a 4 room suite at the Bellagio, and all he was willing to do was a demo of his choosing that had nothing to do with the dinner being served. We had to provide a restaurant style kitchen set and all production was to meet his standards which would not be sent until he was paid first. He was such an ego maniac that we gave up and hired Rick Bayless for a small fraction of what Flay wanted, and I have no doubt that Bayless is a far better chef.

Woah!! Sounds like such a diva..