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Thread: Kitties wanting outside way too much!!

  1. #1

    Kitties wanting outside way too much!!

    Hey all. I have a problem with Duchess and Yum Yum. Since we have moved into our new townhouse and there are woods right out in front of us the kitties are wanting to go outside ALL the time. I don't know what to do. Duchess will start meowing at 5am in the morning wanting outside. Yum Yum meows in the evening till we let her outside. And its an awful meow. We just don't know what to do about this situation. When we let them in they eat then they start meowing five minutes later wanting outside again. It is getting to the point it is getting on our nerves so bad. I hate that they are going outside so much. We have tried spraying them with the water bottle and putting them in their room but it just doesn't work. Please help us!!! Thanks.
    "Happiness Is Owning A Human!"

    Visit Dutchess & Yum Yum's Website Pleassee:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Well, my cats do NOT go outside, so there would be no discussion between them and me. But if they are used to going outside and you now wish for them to stay inside, it may be tough. But probably not impossible. Ignoring them would probably be best. I know that it must be hard to ignore the loud meows, but whenever you give in they LEARN the making noise gets them what they want.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    Now, my kitties are largely indoor only. I would estimate they get to traverse to the fenced in backyard MAYBE once a week in warm weather, for an hour or two- and they do get anxious to go out again..but, I find when they don't go outside, after a few days, they forget about it..Why don't you try having someone else stand on the opposite side of the door, with a really loud noise maker, and a squirt bottle, and after a few times, I think they will stop wanting it so bad. But, if you continue to let them out, I don't know if it would ever work. Maybe more toys/attention, etc., inside?

  4. #4
    My cats are strictly indoor .... you have to do what is best for the cat and giving them their way on this issue probably isn't it.
    Continuing to give them the taste of outside will continue their desire to do heartbreaking as their meows can be, you just have to ignore it for now and distract them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Independence, Kansas
    Have you thought of placing a harness on them and then taking them outside on a leish? I'm not sure this will help solve the problem, but if you have the time perhaps you could try this. Tiara, Tiger, Cookie, Littlebit, and Amy are constantly wanting to go outside, but since the weather has been turning colder, they have stopped their darting out the door whenever the opportunity exists.


  6. #6
    Like I said earlier my cats are strictly indoor (all fours are declawed), and we live in a townhouse too, but one nice day I thought I would put a leash on Dawn and let her roam around the yard...with me holding the leash...not a good idea.
    For the next few days she tried to dart out the took the squirt bottle and FIRM no's to get her to stop.
    To this day I am not sure if she really got it out of her system....she will run down to the garage area whenever she hears that door open....and she has escaped into there. I am scared one day she will escape right out that door.
    Although they are indoor cats she has to wear a collar with a bell to warn us she is around or coming to avoid quick escapes.

    What I learned is the leash will prolong the meowing episodes and sends mixed messages...

    If you don't mind the cats going out, but the area isn't safe from them to roam maybe try a cage. I saw a HUGE kitty cage at Petco the other day. I mean HUGE (was designed for cats but a German Shepard could fit comfortably)...maybe that would be something to consider...they can watch the birds, but be safe "inside"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Toronto, Ontario
    I had to wean Minnie from going outside after Tiger got hit by a car. I swore that I would never go through that again. so, although Minnie wants to go out so badly, I don't let her. It gets easier with time. she doesn't try to dart out the door as much anymore. Its hard for me though because she looks so sad and I feel bad for her. But all I think about is putting tiger to sleep that day and I don't feel bad anymore about keeping Minnie inside where she's safe and sound.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Orlando FL
    I guess it depends on if you want your cats to go out at all. Is it just the nagging meows that are the problem or the fact that they go out for so long?
    If you want them to go out, I suggest a cat door. I am in Florida too. I don't let them out, only on the pool deck. It is safe for them. We live on a conservation area (new word for swamp) and there are birds of prey out there and God know what else. the pool deck is a giant cage. It works well for them. But, I am the constant butler of the sliding door. I have a siamese, talk about your nagging meows!

  9. #9
    Well we would like for them to go out some but not like all the time. They just come in to eat and get some attention then want back out. Last night I am very happy to report that they did not want to go outside. They hardly meowed wanting out. I had told them it was not safe for them to be out on Halloween night and I guess they understood.
    Thanks for your support. Rosethecopycat I am from Tallahassee, Florida.
    "Happiness Is Owning A Human!"

    Visit Dutchess & Yum Yum's Website Pleassee:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Bayport, NY, USA
    my cat is outside all the time and he comes in for 5 minutes just to come in to eat. the cats will always come back unless they die because they have a sort of homing device thing in there head and they always find there way home. my fence has all sorts of holes in it and my cat gets into the next door neighbors yard and the front and sometimes i see him at my school! cats will always come back though.

    Thanks for the great signature FloppsyLadySally89

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    Originally posted by cturtle
    ...cats will always come back though.

    I wish this statement was accurate.
    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

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    Livvy: 11 April 99 - 5 July 09
    Cassy: 11 July 99 - 8 April 11

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by cturtle
    the cats will always come back unless they die ....cats will always come back though.
    1st, cats don't always come back and a lot of the time it IS because they die!!! Think of the potential dangers. being killed by an animal, a car, a crazy person, by chemicals in other peoples yards,being picked up by strangers, developing a life threatening disease, and if they can come back they could have fleas, worms, lice, mites, injuries from battles they did not win. Sure a whole lot of cats come and go as they please and nothing happens, I just don't like to chance the what if list with my kitties lives,

  13. #13
    I agree, Jen - I completely understand why kitties want to be out in the fresh air and sunshine (or moonshine, even better for their little nocturnal selves), but since we have made them our pets, we took responsibility for their welfare when we did so. It's like having a little kid who wants to do stuff that would be really really fun but not good for them - as a loving parent, you just have to say no. The argument that it's in a kitty's nature to roam doesn't wash, because ANY animal wants to roam - they're animals! Dogs aren't supposed to have the run of the neighborhood, people don't often let their pet birds out to fly around free, and kitties shouldn't be running around like wild animals if you want them to be pets. I know we can't control every aspect of our pets existence, and they die sometimes despite our best efforts at care, but I just get so frustrated reading stories of cats who died because they were hit by cars - such an avoidable circumstance.
    The legend says that Mohammed adored cats. When one of them was sleeping on his sleeve and he had to go out, Mohammed supposedly cut off the sleeve so as not to disturb his pet.

    A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast - Proverbs 12:10

    How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven. - Robert A. Heinlein

    What greater gift than the love of a cat? ~ Charles Dickens

    There is, incidently, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person. - Dan Greenberg

    If purring could be encapsulated, it'd be the most powerful anti-depressant on the market. ~Alexis F. Hope

  14. #14
    My cats are both indoors too ! When we adopted Maya from the shelter , she was begging day and night to let her go outside ...!
    Sometimes , she drove me crazy with her meowing !!
    But I didn't give in !! Wayne's advise is the best , because that's what I did too ! I bought a leish and made a walk with Maya in our garden once a day . Now she is completely adjusted to her indoor life ; no more begging ! When I take that leish out , she even goes into hiding , as she does not like that "thingie" very much
    I also do this with lil Inka , and she too is happy when the "walk" is over , so she can jump into her basket and have a nice long nap ...
    Success !

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    My cats are inside only, and they have never been outside except in a carrier. I'm glad the door to my apartment does not go directly to the outside.

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