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Thread: ***Life***

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001


    I got a wake up call this morning. I haven't been to work in well, about two weeks (on and off as my body cooperates). Yes, again, due to this fabulous disease called Crohn's Disease. I'm learning how to live with it, how to not allow it to tear down the strength God and I have worked so hard to build up.

    I've been so ill, but not willing to go into the hospital. I'm not having an obstruction, just the symptoms: extreme pain, horrendous nausea and vomiting, weakness, dizziness and the desire to throw anything called FOOD out the window (or let my roommate eat it?? ) and then there's the fun "bathroom time", my chronic fissure and never to be least, my horrid acid reflux. My prescrion anti-reflux meds aren't working, I'm adding extra strength Pepsid as well as Tums oh, every few hours. Needless to say (well, I already did, huh?), I'm not happy physically.

    I HATE my job. I hate who I work for, I hate the drama, the politics, the tattletails ("Kelly's sick, how come I have to work?"). I'm yet again dealing with not being paid for what I'm worth. I'm developing and maintaining this company's website in addition to answering phones (which is NOT condusive when you're working in the middle of a huge page of HTML coding!) - something I was NOT hired to do. Btw, the website accounts for 50% of their bussiness!!! They sell Touch Screen Monitors, which as you can probably imagine aren't exactly inexpensive. I'm still getting paid practically zilch and have asked repeatedly for my benefits - which were due over 2 months ago - I've explained in every way possible that I CANNOT AFFORD to pay rent AND COBRA! All falls on deaf ears.

    So, I'm onto the next thing. Oh! Forgot to mention the call from the temp agency rep who got me this job, Adam. He calls me a week or so ago while I'm sitting at my desk and says the following, "Hey Kelly, I was calling so say how sorry I am about how things went down at CyberTouch." Huh?? I said, "Well, um, that's odd, considering I'm sitting here AT CyberTouch working!" He tries to back-peddle and tells me to call him after I get off.

    Long story short, he can't tell me anything, but that this company is CRAZY and he feels terrible that he even sent me there. That he would look for a new job for me ASAP. He only gets medical billing, which I CAN do, but I want to be with my patients, my lovely, sweet (and scary, but I love them too!) patients.

    Luckily and praise God, I've gotten my settlement and it was higher than I hoped. Its enough to cover my rent for over 5 months if I don't find anything. I still get spousal support, so that would pay the rest of my bills. I'm not planning on ANY of that, but at least I have an actual savings this time, finally. I don't have that pressure that I'm letting everyone down and in turn, get really hard on myself.

    Life isn't as bad as we all think it is. There is ALWAYS, ALWAYS a silver lining, a positive aspect...and open window to that closed door.

    I'm going to work out the week or maybe more with CyberTouch until I find a new job.
    Prior to starting new job, I'll go do my Phlebotomy externship - 1 or 2 weeks at a fabulous hospital that'll give me clout for all the draws and experience I'll have gotten. That alone will get me a GOOD phlebotomist job.
    I'm not sure if I'll just start doing my externship now so that I can put that I'm a fully licensed Phlebotomist for the US and California espeically. That may be the smarter move.

    Either way, I have some time to heal and my positive attitude. That, my PT Family is in a LARGE part due to your support and AMAZING friendship to me. I must have the GREATEST support system in all the world. You all help me to florish....something that is going to enable me to eventually get to my goal of become the very BEST doctor I possible can to my patients.

    Anyone or anything that enables me to get to my goals, the most important thing to my livelyhood, means the absolute WORLD to me.

    You've all seen me through so much and I'd imagine about 2% of you have actually MET me! You all know more about my life and feelings and thoughts than anyone else in my life...and I'm so lucky to have you all to be there for me.

    I want you all to know that I will NEVER, EVER be too busy for any one of you. I know in the past two years, I haven't been around due to my circumstances. But...I'm getting online in my room/apartment this month and will have all my very dear friends/family at my fingertips 24/7. As soon as that happens, I'm yours like you've been for me. I'll never, ever be able to express how amazing, how wonderful, how perfect you all are. How much you've all done for me. Its so odd that something as non-tangible as "friendship", "support", "love", "prayer" is worth more than all the wealth on this planet, more than all the fame in the world, worth more than anything, more precious than "priceless".

    To say I love you all dearly...well, is exponentially true, but I feel more than that for you all. I'm so entirely grateful to each and every one of you. To Paul and Karen, without PT, where would I be? I shudder to think, so I wont. You two making this wondrous place was certainly devine.

    Love you all,
    Kelly, Noah, Basie, Micah & Phoebe

    P.S. I'll be updating you all much more now. I'm on the "hunt" again and this time, this is going to be the job I'm going to be in until I move to San Francisco for Medical School. Oh will!

    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxo times a billion!!!
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Want to see what I do?

    I develop and maintain TWO websites at this address. Click on each one to see what I do all day...and get paid less than what I'm worth. Woo hoo!!

    Not that you would, but I'm only sharing this as an FYI and for fun. Please don't contact them or anything, OK?? Thank you!!!

    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    The temp agency knows the salary range before you take on a job don't
    they? I wouldn't work a temp job that didn't meet my money requirements.

    Good luck in the new job hunt.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Desert Southwest
    Ok, I'm a little confused - as usual. Didn't you work for a doctor?? What happened to that job??

    Guess I'm behind on all your doing's.

    I am really sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. Here I thought all along that you were doing great: new apartment; nice job w/doctor; and best of all you were feeling good!

    I know I can't do anything for you, but you know how to reach me if you do need anything! I'm always here for you Kelly!!


    Get better!!!!!
    Bunny & Kitties:

    Taz - F (7); Majerle - M (4) & Loki - M (8 months)
    (pronounced: Marley).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Sending you big hugs - how nice that the temp guy called already - preemptively even - and is already looking for a better job for you. It is good to see that you've got a Plan for the future as well. Whoo hooo!

    Bunny, that was a couple jobs ago.
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SHUT UP!!! Sometimes, I need to just keep my mouth SHUT!

    I just got a call from the "lovely" chick that does the HR for CyberTouch and as of 3 minutes ago, "my services are no longer needed". Doh!

    How come I'm HAPPY?? I actually feel FREE!!!!!!! I know I should feel kinda sad, but I truly don't.

    Oh well. Thankfully I've spent the afternoon applying to medical jobs.

    No, after I left the Orthopedics Office (after only 2 months ) due to my morning attacks (Again! Most likely due to my living situation and there were some wierd scheduling miscommunications they blaimed on ME, even though I keep my calendar with me at all times!), I took a temp job in late October until I could get to the next medical job. I decided to stay there after the job changed from a temp 'reception" to web design and sales consulting as CyverTouch's employee, no longer the temp agency, so that I could finish up my Phlebotomy License and then go from there.

    Seems like this window has now opened, huh?
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Proactive "Thing" #1 DONE: Called school and set up my 2-week externship. It will be from 3/17 to 3/28. I'm so excited! This is in a MAJOR hospital and I'll be able to be a confident drawer on ANY type of person after these two weeks. YAY!!!!!!!!!

    Proactive "Thing" #2: To Do....apply for unemployment, yet again.

    I've applied to two really, really good medical jobs and found a few more I'll apply for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be my attack day since this office closes in 30 mins. and their printer is broken (the office girls have to email and print everything for me, ugh.).

    Prayers, yet again, are needed.

    Thanks guys.

    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Looking over the sites, I must say youve done a teriffic job and anyone not paying you for that type of service should be slapped IMO. Nicely coded sites like that are worth a lot more than they've treated you! I hope things start working out better for you *hugs*

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Quote Originally Posted by NoahsMommy
    This is in a MAJOR hospital and I'll be able to be a confident drawer on ANY type of person after these two weeks.
    I am one of those "challenges" you will face in that line of work. I swear, as I walk down the hall to the lab for a blood draw, all my blood vessels holler to each other: RED ALERT! DIVE, DIVE, DIVE! LOL. Finding them is never easy. Then, you have to keep talking to me (about your cats is a GREAT topic) and I have to make certain I look at the ceiling or anywhere except where you are working. Doesn't matter, I inevitably end up on the floor, out cold. Well, actually that only happened once because now we ALL know I have to be lying down so I don't fall anywhere.

    Prayers for you in the next step here, with the training!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Good luck!! I am excited for you!! Things are moving fast for you!!

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    big hugs on the way Kel!
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

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