No, I don't think the dogs would hurt the cats. They were all brought up with cats, and have been around them constantly.

Abby cat did get bit once, but she has a really bad habit - she gets into the middle when the dogs have a spat. She got into one and got a small puncture wound (that abscessed, and got really bad - but that's another story), but I don't think the dogs would ever bite on purpose (I myself have gotten bit trying to break up a dog spat). I don't know why Abby does that, she thinks she's the Alpha and is in charge of keeping the peace. Luckily, the dogs don't fight often, I hate it when that happens. But it does happen, sometimes I equate having 3 male dogs to having 3 teenage boys. The fights aren't serious, but they are scary.

The weird part is, even after getting bit, the abscess, the week at the vet's and the trip back to the vet's every other day to change dressings for another week - she still comes running if she even suspects a dog fight! Most cats with any sense (and some humans too) would be better off running the other way when a dog disagreement starts.

I will be sad tomorrow, and missing Hanna.