Why would no one (3 vets saw him) offer a fine needle biopsy? It was never mentioned. This makes me wonder if it is not an option in his case?
It could be that they did not mention it because the tumor is so deep in his abdomen. But honestly, even if it wasn't, I wouldn't do it. I heard too many stories of tumors "exploding" right after a biopsy, meaning they grow fast after the contact with oxygen.

But it's a tough question indeed. If Mr. Meow was 10 years older, I'd say enjoy the time you have, he's doing well, and it could still be more time than you're expecting (we were told to prepare to lose Rocky almost two years ago, on Christmas 2005, and now he lived till last week with his abdominal cancer).

But on the other hand, Mr. Meow is still so young... I really wouldn't know what to do. When I found the lump in Luna's shoulder last year, I decided against the surgery, just because I didn't want to put her through all that as she was just recovering from a bad episode of struvite crystals, and she really had enough. But there's a big chance that it's no cancer what Luna has. In Mr. Meow's case, you're pretty sure what it is...

It's such a tough decision. You know he deserves a chance, and I can understand your fear that they may find a situation worse than expected when they open him (I too saw many vet ER shows on tv lately ).

What does your heart tell you?
