Well; We gotz Klam Juice now...

Dad wuz reedin da label aftur he got back inna kar. Thunk da stuff looked like waddur till he red da part dat sed "Shake Well". He "Shook Well" an almos passed out! Buncha stuff floated offa bottom an it turned grey or green...

Now he sez it "Looks like it'z gonna *stink*."
He'll prolly set it down aside Bootsy's waddur kup an tella Kat to "Pop da Top" hizelf!

Hevun Help us all iffin it DOES *stink*!!

Hooze Ideer wuz this stuff, enniehow??
Stuff won't give a Kat *GASS* willit??

Wunder if *Klam F@rtz* s-t-i-n-k ??

Whut'cha wanna bet he triez the stuff out onna Kat tumorrow ~
While he an SmokeMutt are safe onna trip ta visit GranMom!?