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Thread: What are your phobias and habits

  1. #1

    What are your phobias and habits

    OK it has come to my attention that I have a lot of strange quirks lol. So I want to hear everyone else's

    Of course I have my usual phobias.... SPIDERS!!!!

    But I also have a wierd phobia with the shower. I can't stand to be in there and have to thouroughly rinse it out before I get in..... while in there I don't touch the walls.... I don't touch the curtain.... and I rinse off my shampoo bottles before I open them. When I get out I have to have a clean towel to step on and will NOT get off this towel until my feet are completely dry. it gives me the willies when hubby comes out of the bathroom with soaking wet feet after his shower and just walks around.... AH how can he stand it lol.

    I am afraid of driving.... lol I can drive but I had a little "accident" while parking once and now am scarred for life lol.

    I do NOT wear buttons on shirts.... lol I can't explain it but I have been this way since I was a baby according to my mom. I just can't stand them.

    As for habits.....

    I eat my sandwiches from the outside in. I have to eat the crust or the edges first and then I eat the inside.

    I used to eat ONE thing at a time. I would eat all my corn and then turn my plate to the potatoes etc etc.... but since I have been pregnant that hasn't been an issue lol. There are also some dishes that I M"UST have mixed all together.

    That's all I can think of for now but I know there are more.

    Now tell me yours .

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State
    I, too, am afraid of spiders. A mere mention of the word is enough to send chills to my spine.

    I hate puplic restrooms. I always make sure to use the restroom before I leave home, and hold until I come back.

    I also eat sandwhiches/burgers from the outside in. I start with the outside, roll it around until I finish, then eat the middle part last.

    When eating pizza, I must separate the toppings from the crust, then eat the crust first, toppings last.

    When eating at the restaurant, I use a lot (I mean a lotsssss) of napkins. I can't stand to have my hands/mouth dirty, so I wipe them almost after every bite.

    that's all I could think of right now. I'll add more later..

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    The one thing that comes to mind is I don't like my food touching other food.

    Like this past Saturday night I was at Longhorn and ordered a steak & fries. I asked for the fries on a separate plate because I didn't want them touching my steak.

    I love Fenway, JoJo, Olivia and Nonnie!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by M&M's Mommy

    I also eat sandwhiches/burgers from the outside in. I start with the outside, roll it around until I finish, then eat the middle part last.

    finally someone else that does that. I get the strangest looks from my friends when I eat sandwiches or burgers in front of them haha.

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State
    Quote Originally Posted by sparks19
    finally someone else that does that. I get the strangest looks from my friends when I eat sandwiches or burgers in front of them haha.
    If I eat the French Roll, I start from one end, until I get to about the middle, I switch to the other end. My last bite must be the middle part

    When eating just about anything, I always save the best for last. As for sandwhiches, the middle part is always the best

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Hmmm...lets see.....I am afraid of the Dark!! I know such a baby, but I have had so many things happen to me in the dark, that I cannot stand it! I always have a Flashlight handy!

    I CANNOT stand my food touching!! I have been this way since I was little, and my son is the same way! I will refuse to eat something if it has touched something else!! I get grossed out when Hubby mixes all his food up all together! Ewww...

    I always eat each type of food seperately! I eat one thing at a time. For instance I will eat my meat, turn plate, eat my potatoes, turn plate, eat my veggies ect....

    I cannot stand to have my feet touched, nor do I like to touch feet!! Gross!!!

    I cannot and will not take a bath!! the mere thought of it grosses me out!!

    My shoes Must be tied tightly, and Double knotted!! I cannot stand loose shoes(sneakers and such) I have to have them so tight, that they always leave an imprint! I cannot tie shoes without double knotting them, drives me nuts!! I hate seeing hubby walking around in Un-Tied shoes!

    That is all I can think of for now!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    West Columbia, SC
    I am claustrophobic. I can go into small spaces, but I can't stay long. Elevators are OK, but under the house in the crawl space freaks me out.

    And I can't stand heights! I try not to look out of second story or higher windows. But I like to look off a mountain into the distance.

    I can't tolerate open doors or drawers. I'm forever closing the files at work.

    I hate mis-matched clothes. My mother had a bad habit of wearing odd combinations. She also had a pair of PINK HIGH TOP TENNIS SHOES! So now I co-ordinate all of my clothes, including pajamas, to the nth degree.

    My daughter says I'm a neatnik. By her standards I really, really am.

    I'd say I'm normal, but who knows what THAT is?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Phobia: I have an irrational fear of traffic jams. This stems from a traffic snarl I once got in where all of the toll road lanes were closed due to an accident. I panicked because I couldn't get out of there. Finally found a hole in the fence, gunned the car through it and then had to figure out where the heck I was!

    Strange habits: I like a side of mayonnaise with French fries. In my first job I worked with a woman who had grown up in Wyoming and she got me started on French fries with mayo. It's so unhealthy I hardly ever do it anymore.

    When I leave the house in the morning I have to have my keys in hand, usually the left hand. Even if they're in my pocket I have to hold them in the pocket. I have no idea where that came from. I think it started after I locked myself out.

    Edited to add: I don't see this as a particularly strange habit but others do. I take a paper towel to open the door of a public washroom with my just-washed hands. I know some women don't wash their hands well enough and others don't at all. I'm compulsive about hand-washing in the first place because I'm a nurse; I know that hand-washing fights infection; and it creeps me out to think about doors being opened by people's hands that have not been washed.

    There was a poll on Pet Talk about how we put on our socks and shoes. I'm a mutant in that regard, too - right sock and shoe, then left sock and shoe. Most people answered that they do left and right sock, left and right shoe.

    Maybe you guys have seen the "Monk" episode where he is at a hockey game - seated in the front row -and notices a spot on the Plexiglass barrier in front of him? Welcome to my world! And mruffruff, I know I'm not normal

    Edited again to add (because the post about Weight Watchers made me think of this): I hate those "sport top" water bottles. More specifically, I don't like to watch people drink from them. Is it a sign of regression back to infancy? It looks (at least to me) like a bottle with a nipple; and i stopped using that a long, long time ago. It has to be opened and closed with a hand, and then raised to the mouth to drink. Some don't even put it in their mouth but just sort of squirt the water in. Either way, it makes me uneasy to watch people use them.
    Last edited by cassiesmom; 06-04-2007 at 06:28 PM.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    at beginning of the script.
    haha, eating sandwiches from outside...that is interesting! nah, don't worry sparks, I won't give you a strangest face - everyone is strange in their own ways. I do remember I save the middle (corner) of pizza and the middle of cinnamon roll for last.

    me, phobias? having no phobias! really, none.

    habits?? biting nails ... but I'm muchmuch better! before I'd bite anytime but now only during exams when I'm not paying attention to anything else! not too odd I know.

    and, I usually explain, do, or work things in order. like, if I start a cat picture thread, I gotta order them in sequence when I got them or post pictures chronically.

    and, do bathroom, feeding, filling up waterbowls and clean litter during, sweep then feed myself.
    rest and sleep softly sweet locke..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    .The dark
    .Sharp things ie. Knives,scissors
    .Being alone anywhere
    .Touching dead animals
    .Going down escalators
    .Old houses/Old farms
    .Swimming in lakes where you can't see the bottom
    .Walking alone


    .No foods can't touch
    .Not eating the ends of any meat products
    (end as in the end I get to when I finish eating)
    .Not eating deformed fries
    .Putting chips saucy side on my tounge
    .Can't walk around with jeans on without having socks on too
    .Sleeping with a stuffed animal every night
    .Sleeping with the comfortor in between one leg

    I guess this one formed from fear and turned into a habit. I can't sleep if any part of my body is sticking out from the blankets except my head and sometimes arms.

    My closet also has to be completley closed at night or I picture people/things peering in the places that are open.

    Most of my fears are just because my imagination and I make up things and scare myself.

    Edit: After reading through other peoples I remember some that are the same.
    Last edited by buttercup132; 05-30-2007 at 09:37 PM.
    See ALL my pets here


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Mesa, AZ
    For eating a pizza,I eat the toppings first, then the cheese, then the crust, then my favorite part the bread with the marinara sauce!

    I HATE elevators i will never go in one, even if its going 10 stories up i'll use the stairs if i have to.

    In the morening i do the same exact thing. I get up, make my bed, brush my teeth, take a shower (if i didn't at night), get ready.

    When i put my make up on, it has to be put on my left eye first! for eyeliner and mascara.

    I never wear the same colored socks. like right now i have an orange sock and the other a rainbow striped sock.

    i HAVE to listen to music and i will be in a good mood i CANNOT stand the quiet. When i'm out in the woods or something will hum or something since i can't stand it.

    There's much more just i can't think of them right now.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vicenza, Italy
    My biggest phobia is the fear of something happening to one of my pets, Vixen especially. I know where it came from. It all started when we lost Lilith in 2005. We nor the vet knew there was anything wrong with her. Actually just a month before her passing she got a clean bill of health. She got a rabies shot for travel to Italy and we having what we thought was a reaction but was not. It was actually a cancer from FeLv and the shot dropped her system allowing the cancer to take over. From the day of the shot to the day of her death was 8 days. I guess you can see where that phobia would play through as Vixen is FeLv+ as well.

    Habits...biting the skin on my fingers - habit from when I was a child.
    ....have to eat my pizza with a fork and knife
    ....have to always have a flashlight close by - habit learned from my
    ....walking barefoot even though I am not suppose to because I'm
    ....shower habit...have to wash my hair twice then condition before I
    actually clean my body

    I am sure there are others too.

    My rainbow bridge babies have forever left their paw prints on my heart.
    Lilith & Vixen, taken too soon. I love you always.

    Signatures, avatars & blinkies if anyone wants one pm me with color,
    font and background preference and with pics and names of pets.

    Lilith's Catster Page Vixen's Catster Page

    Vote for my furry ones on the cat & dog channels
    Vixen, Bella, Vega, Frost, Phoenix & Artica

  13. #13
    I have this HUGE fear of planes. I will not eat, sleep, sit still, or anything for days before a plane ride. I will also cry and worry.

    I eat all the toppings off the pizza, first, saving my the bread and sauce for last.

    If I'm at my own place of residence, I absolutely will not wear socks indoors. It drives me nuts.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I have just about the weirdest phobia ever and it's difficult. Numbers. Math class is living hell. If someone shoves a math sheet or chemistry equation in front of me I have to try very hard to hold back a panic attack and I then get a migrane.
    It's not a fear, but I don't like monkeys. They creep me out.
    I have a lot of weird habits but I'll edit them in later.

    Niņo & Eliza

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I have a fear of spiders and I don't know if anyone has ever heard of this one, but I have a fear of touching hot things. Like when I'm cooking, I always try to get someone else to take the stuff out of the oven. Or when someone wants a cup of tea. I put a dish cloth around the handle and then carry it so that the hot cup doesn't get near my hands.


    Umm...I always make sure to put the most powdered part of a chip on my tongue first.
    I've had a habit of biting the sides of my fingers right beside the nail for years.
    I have to eat a chocolate bar very slowly.
    And I have to take that little white thing off the yolk of the egg before i use the egg.

    lol I guess I'm pretty weird.

    I will love you forever Bobo

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