Being a mom of three grown children I know the joy and heartache of being a parent. I also know that you can love a child even if you didn't give birth to them just as much. There are all kinds of ways to be a mom. Adoption of a child or sometimes just being an aunt can be every bit as satisfying as giving birth. Volunteering in a hospital or being a Big Brother or Big Sister would mean so much to those kids. The joy you bring them will never be greater then anything you do in your life for another. And as a mom I can honestly say your own kids will NEVER be as greatful as the kids at Big Brother or Big Sister. Also every day medicine comes out with new ways to become a mom. What is new today in medicine is old tomorrow. Don't give up hope on being a mom. In the meantime adoping another fur baby is a great opinion as well. Modern medicine changes everyday good luck to you and hubby.