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Thread: Home euthanize my Blanca

  1. #1

    Home euthanize my Blanca

    Please understand my 14 year old Blanca (samoyed sheppard mix) cannot get up without crying and no longer has control over her bodily functions (has a bowel movement in her sleep). She has always been terrified of driving in the car and more so of the vet. A friend recomended having her put to sleep at home by a Mobile Vet but I have heard horror stories of vets givings pets 2 and 3 shots and she always cries (almost screams) alot when she gets shots. I hope you don't think this sounds inhumane but I think it would be the best way for her to go. Is there some painless way I can put her to sleep myself safely at home? Please help.

  2. #2
    ASK YOUR VET!!!!!

    The worst thing you could do, is to make his final moments in pain, or you could injure him and not put him to sleep.

    I bet if you look hard enought, you will find some "home brew" to put together using off the shelf ingredients.


    Describe your situation to your vet.

    Maybe he or she could give you some tranqulisers to calm your pet for the final ride.

    OR, get someone to drive you, and you hold your pet in your lap.

    Sorry for your pending loss of a friend.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I am in total agreement with BuddTX. You don't want to do this yourself......if the time has come for Blanca to go to the Rainbow Bridge, the most peaceful way for her to go is in the hands of a professional, not yours. The tranquilizer might be just the right thing to get her to your vet without the trauma.

    We will keep Blanca, and you, in our prayers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    If you have a trusted vet, call him or her. That person may be able to come to Blanca, rather than bringing Blanca to her. I would NOT try to do this yourself, not in any way. It would be too traumatic emotionally and physically. Call you vet. When s/he understands the situation, I am sure s/he will come up with a positive solution.

    We will keep you, and Blanca, in our prayers.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    I am in total agreement with everyone:
    "You don't want to do this yourself, the most peaceful way for her to go is in the hands of a professional, not yours."

    Find a vet that will come to your house if you can
    not go to the vets office.
    I now someone who lives in another state.
    She is a vet tech.
    2 years ago, She thought she would do a favor
    for a freind who requested her dog to be put
    to sleep at home. (with-out a vet)
    She brought home the syrum and gave old dog
    a shot. Something went wrong.

    Do not do this yourself, and have
    a vet do it for you. My friend still has visions on
    what happen and so does the dogs owner.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Geneva, IL
    I couldn't agree more with what has been said. My Tizzie too was so afraid at the Vet. My last gift to her was that she did not have to make that trip. My veterinary doctor and an assistant came to my home. She was helped over to the Rainbow Bridge in her own home on her own dog bed. I had music playing in the background.

    Letting go of Tizzie was difficult to do and I still cry whenever I play the cd I had on that day, but if I had to do it over again, my decision would be to do it this very same way.
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  7. #7
    Thanks for the advice and prayers. I guess I will have a mobile vet come to my house. Please understand I am not crazy, I just wanted this to be as easy for her as it could be.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    I am so sorry to hear about the pain that you are going through with Blanca. I must add that I had a vet come to my home, and he only charged $20 or $25 extra (don't remember exact cost) to come directly to my home after his shift at the vet hospital. It was truly the most peaceful way, in my opinion. My yellow labbie, Beener, didn't mind car rides so much, but I just wanted him to be in an area where he was familier and comfortable. Before the vet was due to show up, we had the whole family come over to love on, and say goodbye to Beener. I piled a huge pile of blankets and pillows...a WONDERFUL place to lay while he was sent to Rainbow Bridge. I also had candles burning and really calm, instrumental music playing quietly in the background. The lighting was dim and the environment was morose, but very, very peaceful.

    When the vet came, he was very kind and caring, as well as professional. He let us all gather once more before he got the injection ready. The rest of my family could not bare to watch, so they waited at Beeners' dug out grave in the backyard while I held Beener and stayed with him.

    It was so horrible sad, but it was also so peaceful. I will never take another of my pets to the vet again to be euthanized. It was really a peaceful way to go, and the doctor was so reasonable with his charges, as well as extremely sympathetic.

    Best of luck, Peace, sympathies, and hugs from me and my furfamily to you. I am so very sorry that you are going through this

    P.S. I would also like to add that there is nothing that you can or should do to euthanize Blanca by yourself. There are products that can kill a dog w/o prompt veterinary treatment, but the dog is usually in extreme pain while the poison eats away at their system. It would not be painless or quick. It would be just the opposite, and unfortunately you could be up for charges of animal cruelty if anyone were to find out. I would not recomend it.
    Last edited by AdoreMyDogs; 09-08-2002 at 12:08 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.
    Darin, I am so very sorry to read of the pain you are going through about Blanca, wanting so much to help her. I do not think anyone thinks you are crazy and I am also sure that everyone does understand that you only want the best for her.
    I so glad you are not going to try to do anything by yourself. I am certain you have made the very best decision for her in having the vet come to your home.
    Hugs and love to you and Blanca. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Last edited by ChrisH; 09-08-2002 at 05:07 PM.

  10. #10
    So sorry for what you are going through. No, you are not crazy - you just want to do the best thing for your friend of 14 years. Don't do anything at home by yourself - call your vet. I hope and pray for you and Blanca.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    Darin, I am so sorry to hear about Blanca. I agree with everyone that you may want to ask your vet if he/she can come to your house to deal with this situation. Please don't try to do it yourself. There is no safe or humane way to do so.

    Best of luck to you in these very difficult times.

  12. #12
    The vet is coming to my house this evening. One more question, my wife and I have decided to bury Blanca in our back yard. Not that there are alot of stray animals around but I don't want to chance something digging at her gravesite. How deep should her grave be? Once again thank you everyone for your thoughts prayers and help.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Stockport. England
    Darin I'm so pleased you 've got a vet coming to the house to help Blanca on her final trip to Rainbow Bridge.
    I certainly don't think you were crazy - I reckon it's a normal reaction to someone having to prepare a much loved furkid.
    We did this for our sweet Siamese Kisi - and when the time comes to say 'Goodbye' to our present furkids I will definately repeat this and have our vet visit the house. Yes it's more expensive, but so worth it.
    I'll be holding Blanca and your wife and yourself in my thoughts.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    I know how painful losing a pet can be, and I hope that you can find comfort in that she will be in her own home surrounded by her human buddies. You'll be in our thoughts!

  15. #15
    Approximately 4:00 this afternoon Blanca went to a better place. There are not enough places in this world where someone can come and get help from strangers. I was lucky enough to find one. I want to thank you all again for your help, prayers and thoughts.

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