Guys, everything is crashing down on me really bad right now.

*My daughter has strep throat AND Mono.
*I am getting over a terrible cold, my knees KILL me for some reason the past few days, and my sore toe still hurts like the devil (it doesn't help that I keep smashing it into things)
*My car payment is due by Dec 22, and if its not paid, they will come repossess my car!
*My boss stuck it me again last night -- first he's letting the other dog trainer come back to work (good lord grant me the serenity not to kill her!) then he neglected to put my vacation hours into my paycheck.... that's keeping me from paying my car payment! Sure, it is my fault I'm so far behind on payments but I was counting on this paycheck to make this payment.
*I can't find a job.... I have a 100 resumes out there and nobody's calling me back. The more resumes I send out and the more time that passes between the worse I feel. Surely ONE person wants to interview me!

What am I going to do?! I know people have it worse than me (poor Kimlovescats is going through a horrendous ordeal) but to me, the threat of losing my car and maybe my husband's car, because of MY lack of income is weighing me down. I am trying so hard to find a job. I picked up as many hours at the store as my manager was willing to give me. Everybody else is maxed out with their Christmas help, so not even the grocery store is hiring right now. Every time I HAD the money to pay for the car payments, a health crises came up.

I feel so guilty all the time anymore. I put my family in this mess with my selfish desire to work for myself. I promised my husband I'll try it for 3 years and give up if it didn't take off. Well this month marks 3 years and boy did my business crash and burn this year

How can I quickly come up with $200 by middle of next week? I don't even have anything to pawn since everything of value was stolen this past summer

As for Christmas being my busy season with portraits? I have one whole comission. How'd I go from doing dozens of portrait at Christmas to ONE? The year I need portrait comissions the most is the year of nothing. God, how am I going to get past all this mess?