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Thread: cat killers

  1. #1

    cat killers

    Hi guys
    I have a 10 yo female dog who has always got on with her 2 brothers (cats).About 3 months ago we rescued a pup from the pound and the 2 dogs bonded beautifully. The pup (male), has just been neutered a couple of weeks ago.
    Sad to say but today both dogs cornered the oldest cat (9yo) and killed him.I am going to have the oldest dog put down on monday because she also has some arthritic probs but dont know what to do about the pup because we still have 1 cat. Is this behavior now part of his make up.
    The old dog had the cat by the throat and the pup had the other end ,shaking him.
    Please help me

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    You need to keep the cat and pup away from each other, sadly. Prey instinct is very difficult to train away. Only let the two of them be together when someone is there to supervise. Make sure you do obedience training with the pup, too, a class would be great, so that he knows to always respond to simple commands like "drop it" "leave it" and "No!"

    In fact, can you do that now with the older dog as well? Would the cat be okay with being shut in one room (with a litterbox) whenever you are not present to supervise interaction? If the older dog is mostly healthy, it seems a shame to have it put down over this incident.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Unfortunately their prey instinct seems to increase when they are in a pack! i had a dog for years that never had a problem with my cat, when i brought a new dog in, all heck roke loose. It was like we had gotten two new dogs instead of one! but with work and training it can be resolved, but like Karen said, contant supervision is a must! The dogs must learn that the cats are a no no! I am sorry for the loss of your cat!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  4. #4
    thanx karen and maggie,
    So is this behavior part of the pups nature now and something that I will have to always be aware of. We let the cat out of the laundry today to take him inside and the pup looked like he was ready to go again.I think he enjoyed what he did.I am afraid I cant feel the same toward either dog now.I have always had a dog and cats but now I am afraid that I cant trust any dog.

  5. #5
    Oh my door neighbour has daughter visiting with her 2 dogs and there was just a big confrontation at the fence with my pup almost going crazy to get to them.We only have a three foot fence between us and it was all I could do to grab him and throw him in the laundry.Cut my finger in the process.This is a nightmare.My heart is still beating.
    The pup has had basic training (ie sit stay down) and was just the best pup,but this side of his nature i thoroughly detest.The older dog was similarly trained and up till now has been pretty good. AGH!!!!!!
    Last edited by dolphinesque; 08-27-2006 at 12:02 AM. Reason: to add to it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    Your dogs have no idea what they did. They didn't do it to hurt you. They have no clue that they killed another creature you love. No idea that they broke your heart. They are over it, moved on. They were over it 2 minutes after it happened and looking for something else to do.

    I speak from experience. On May 26, 2005 my dogs killed my cat, Dominique. She got outside somehow without anyone seeing her escape. My fault entirely. NOT the dogs' fault. They were just being dogs. They knew and continue to know that they can't chase the cats inside the house. Would they kill another cat who got outside?? ABSOLUTELY! Without hesitation. Would it be their fault? NO. It would be mine. I still love my dogs. I never considered for one minute putting them down or getting rid of them. My vet would have thrown me out of his office if I had even suggested putting them down. I am more vigilant about keeping my cats inside and not having any more escapes.

    Dominique's death was one of the worst experiences of my life. I'm very sorry that you lost your kitty, but your dogs shouldn't have to pay the price for it. Yes you will forever have to watch them with cats and other small animals. You may have to keep them entirely seperated at all times. Prey drive can be controlled in some dogs, but it can't be eliminated. I have huskies. Their prey drive has been bred into them for hundreds of years. I can't get rid of it. Some of my dogs can never see a cat. Some of them are just fine in the house with them, but would kill an outdoor cat in a second. I never leave them unattended with the cats.

    I was angry and hurt with them. For awhile I didn't do much except meet their basic needs--food, water, shelter. Then as the fog of grief began to lift, I realized that by shutting them out, I was only giving myself another loss. I had lost my feline friend and I was loosing my canine buddies, even though they were still physically with me. They must have thought I'd gone nuts. They had no idea why Mom was being so cold to them, no clue that they had shattered my heart. They were still the same goofy, happy, bunch of mutts they had always been. Only I had changed. So I started to do the fun stuff with them again and remembered why I had them in the first place. I miss Dominique every day, but the blame for her death is mine, not the dogs'. I've forgiven them. It may take me much longer to forgive myself. If you can't find a way to forgive your dogs, then you need to find them a new place to live. They don't need to die because they happen to have some prey drive.
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
    --John Irving

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    I am SO SO lucky in that I have always had dogs and cats together and have never had a problem. They love each other, sleep together and clean each other. There always have been both cats and dogs in this house, and the yard. Whenever a new one comes into the house it's already been established that both cats and dogs live in harmony here and the "newbie" just better fit in. They always do. Not so with others I know, my daughters two dogs killed her new kitten while alone. I'm so sorry for your loss but please don't put your older dog down and resent your new pup. Ever vigilent, ever aware and training NOW, while still young.

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