Tigger....oh these two little blind ones....why do they think I'm their momma cat. I wish they would leave me alone.

Smokey...oh these two little blind ones...why won't they just get out of my way...I'm the alpha cat in this house and I'm so sick of them...can't they go back to where they came from.

Tucker...why won't you let me stay out at night. I promise I won't get into any trouble, instead you constantly make me come in at night.

Mystic...is it time to groom me again? are you sure it's not time to groom me again? how about now? well then WHEN?

Abner...where's meowmie....I want to snuggle with her. She has to work all the time and I want her to stay home to cuddle and snuggle with me.

Gabriel ...no not Gabriel, nobody calls me that anymore....it's Dude....wait I hear a fly.........(goes running)............

Gracie...................fly? where............................

Vegas....these little ones are tiring me right out..........(goes running after Gracie and Dude).........oh wait...the food dish, excuse me while I have a snack..........