Friday, September 16, 2005 at 08:42 PM EDT

Sam had a little virus this week, causing coughing and vomiting;
we ended up taking her down to Children's ER Monday night,
as I was afraid she might be getting dehydrated.
They ran a bunch of tests -- but everything came back okay -- and
gave her fluids for a couple hours, and she's been doing better since.

She saw her ped yesterday, and that went fine.
We'll go back to Children's a week from today, and
check in w/the kidney docs and w/plastics.

She continues to be her cute little self,
and it seems like she's learning more every day.
We were able to get out and about later in the week, to pick up more books and movies from the library--she's into Barney, now, too--and visit her friends at Precious Resources.

We're hoping to enjoy nice weather this weekend, and
then I return to work Monday,
so that will be another transition for us.

Thanks for keeping Sam in your thoughts.


Glad the *bug* went away ...
Here's Hoping for a Sunny Weekend!
