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Thread: Horrible Horrible News about son's dog, Max

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Horrible Horrible News about son's dog, Max

    I called my son this morning and his fiance answered and she was crying hysterically. They were at the vets and were having to have their Great Pyranese (sp?) Max put to sleep because he had gotten into some anti freeze. They took him in this morning, they flushed his kidneys but they continued to fail. The doc said they had done all they could do. They sedated him and had him on IV's and they had my son and g/f leave for a few hours to make the decision. The vet gave him a 25% chance of survival..but my mom went in and talked to the vet after they called her and he told her that it was very grave and he should really be put down. Mom talked to my son..and then they made the decision..they were going in to say their goodbyes to Max. I am heart broken for them. They live out in the country...and Max is let out...he runs around for awhile and then comes back to the front porch to be let in..I know most of us don't let our dogs run around freely, but in the country..its a common practice...and Max had always done this..he was an inside/outside dog. My son had no anti freeze any where on his 5 he had to have gotten it from one of the neighbors, and they feel intentionally..because they had already had words with people down the road who didn't like Max because he was so big. Of course there is no way to prove that. Bottom line is, Max is gone. He was 7 years old and Mandy had had him all his life. She can't have children and Max was her baby. They also have a chocolate lab and I am so glad he didn't get into the anti freeze as he is with Max most of the time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Gosh, that is awful. I hope they'll watch out for the lab. I know it's common practice in the country, but, it's so unpredictable, letting them roam like that. You just never know what they're going to get into. My deepest condolences go out to the family, as I know they must be devastated.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  3. #3
    That is so sad Please give them my heartfelt sympathies.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    *Arkansas *

    ~siggy by LEXILOVER~thanx~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I agree totally finn's mom...but then Gracie is never out of my sight outside...we have a fenced in yard or use a leash if we go anywhere else...I am sure Lady Ace, the lab, will be under watchful eye from here out..they have learned a valuable lesson the hard way.
    Even when we go to my parents..(All my family are in Arkansas)...and they live out in the country, as well...Gracie is on a leash to go potty...since they are not fenced..and they give me a hard time..saying Gracie isn't going anywhere..its their land...well...there are snakes, she can take off running after a squirrel, rabbit, etc...and God knows what else can I won't take that chance..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Oh dear, our thouhts and prayers are with them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Detroit, MI
    I am so sorry for Max and his family, what kind of dog was he???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I'm so sorry for their loss. Poor Mandy she did lose her baby. The loss of a pet is losing a big part of your family. My thoughts will be with them...

    Thank you Kay for the beautiful sig!

    "We can judge the heart of man by his treatment of animals"

    ~Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower~

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Max was a 7 year old Great Pyranees (mountain dog, I think)
    Beautiful dog..huge...weighed a little more than 100 pounds..but gentle as a lamb..

    thank you for the kind words and thoughts~

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    *Arkansas *
    This is the kind of thing that totally freaks me out. We live in Ark. And all those pics of MAXIMUS roaming free, are not so free for me. I am always watching and checking anything he stops to look at. It's nerve racking at times. Even in your own yard, you never know what the "neighbor's" are up to. Our neighbors seem to like MAXIMUS. But we still check the yard when we've been gone for a while. You just don't know. Excuse me for going on and on about this. I am truly sorry for what has happened to MAX. But, this is something so unacceptable. Everyone should keep in mind, that people can be, and are cruel and hateful.

    ~siggy by LEXILOVER~thanx~

  11. #11
    I'm so sorry for your son and his fiance. May Max Rest in Peace.
    Forever in my heart...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    So sad to hear about Max. What a terrible loss for them.
    I've Been Boo'd

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    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Very sad news....prayers gong out to Max's family.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Very sad and heart breaking news.
    I am so sorry. (((HUGS)))


  15. We live out in the country as well with 17achers,, and let our dogs roam free. i was only 9 years old when my dog Tasha was hit by car. we too,, learned the hard way.

    after that my parents decised it was time to put up a fence.....

    now even with a fence i do not let my dog out alone. either i take him outside,, or my dad or brother does. you never know if they have the bright idea about digging out.

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