I called several owners of Dixie's puppies yesterday to wish the pups a Happy Birthday and find out how they were doing. (ok, I know I'm a little obsessed!) All of them were doing great, adapting well, and fitting into their new homes wonderfully, except for one.

I was told he is very aggressive and has bitten her one son just a couple weeks ago. He was feeding him a Frosty Paw and he moved the cup slightly while the pup was eating and the dog bit him! It was not a actual bite but a graze that had blood surface. I was and am in shock! This is a GOLDEN RETRIEVER we are talking about. Has anyone ever seen an aggressive GOLDEN????

I thought things were wonderful because they have never contacted me for help and I extended the offer to have any of the owners call me anytime if they needed help.

Well now, she wants me to work with the dog and get him trained or take him back. I have agreed to come to her house and see the dog and how he interacts with her kids. However, I really think I will make an offer to get the dog back, train him, and find him a new loving home.

If the dog is aggressive it is because of his environment and lack of something! He came over to Dixie's birthday party in January and he was very skinny, so I am thinking he is not getting enough to eat. I was told by several people then not to worry because he was still just 7 months old and perhaps was growing slower. Dusty weighed 61 pounds then and he was only 44! He was the second biggest male when he left my house at 8 weeks!!!!

I am very mad and upset about this! Just wondering what you guys would do. Try to work with her and the family to make progress in his current environment or offer to take the dog back, train him, and find him a new home?

And to make matters worse, she just had a baby a week ago so I am wondering if she will even have the time to spend working on this problem? Her other two kids are 11 and 13, both boys.