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Thread: Do your dogs howl?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Elizabethann--I would be very interested in anything you might find out about this subject. I've never even considered that his howling might be for some other reason than the sirens hurting his ears. It never occured to me that there might be some other reason he does it, so I've always just felt sorry for him when it happens.

    I don't even know for sure where I got this idea. It's just something I've always associated with pain, I guess! Let me know if you find anything out!
    Rest in Peace, dear Oreo: April 20, 1997-July 18, 2011
    :Rest in Peace, beautiful Sandi: March 18, 1994-January 23, 2010

    Rest in Peace, sweet Angel: July 1, 2001-May 14, 2009


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    fritz don't howl

    Fritz ,our Bichon Frise doesn't howl,but our 1st dog Ruffles,a miniature poodle howled every time my mom and dad went out somewhere.
    thanks very much devon. I have been boo'd.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    Here is what I found:

    Howling is a form of communication in dogs. It is a way for dogs to signal their presence to other dogs that are often located far away. It is common in wolves and coyotes, both relatives of today's domestic dog.

    Domestic dogs that howl, especially those that howl excessively are usually doing this because they are bored and lonely. Getting extra toys, and giving your dog more attention and exercise will help to stimulate your dog and reduce excessive howling. If you make your dog sleep outside all night, it's no wonder the dog howls a lot. Bring the dog inside!

    Sometimes dogs will howl when they hear sirens or other loud higher pitched sounds like clarinets and flutes. These sounds may even come from a television set. Dogs do this as an instinctive response to hearing what they interpret to be another howl (dog in the distance). They are not doing this because it hurts their ears.

    © 2003

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Not really. Most of the time she just BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK...
    Jen & Gigi

    Thanks Kay for the set.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    WHEW!!!! (Brow wipe!) What a RELIEF! Now that I have learned that Oreo isn't howling because his ears hurt whenever he hears sirens, I can stop feeling so bad for him when it happens! I don't even know for sure where I got that idea, but I've never even considered that it could be anything else!

    Rest in Peace, dear Oreo: April 20, 1997-July 18, 2011
    :Rest in Peace, beautiful Sandi: March 18, 1994-January 23, 2010

    Rest in Peace, sweet Angel: July 1, 2001-May 14, 2009


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Glad you guys liked the Nebo video. Robin I'll have to get Nebo to howl for your in person! Maybe your girls will decide to join in hehe.

  7. #22
    OMG, that video was so funny! I loved it! I have never heard Holly howl, however she does make other funny sounds.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Oh Nebo, you are so cool! The video cracked us up!

    Yes, all mine howl. Star throws her head back and howls when she sees us if we've been gone for a while. Sherman makes all kinds of sounds, including howls. And my son's husky Cloud is a big-time howler, to the point of it being a problem - he's a very talkative huskie. Some are and some aren't. I hardly ever hear a sound out of Star, I guess that's why we're so thrilled when she howls for us!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I'm from York, PA USA

    the howler

    Macy will sing with me. I have to howl first (imagine that one ) but I get get her goin for a while. I've noticed though that when I change keys, she does too. It's so cute!

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    State College PA
    Sequoia is a very talkative husky. She wooos and howls and makes this funny little growly woo. But only when we are around. When she is out in her kennal she is sooo quiet. The oil guy came on Tuesday to fill our tank and he didn't even know she was there. She never barked or made a sound...just stayed on her chair and watched him. But if we are with her and going into pet stores with her or walking downtown she will wooo at people all the time. In fact she gets extremely vocal if she feels she is being ignored.

    We had her at the vet 2 weeks ago getting her rabies shot and the people behind the counter were just doing computer work and such and not paying attention to her. She put her paws up on the counter and gave them quite the husky tongue lashing till they laughed and came over to pet her. *L*

    In the evenings we all woo and howl to the tune of "She'll be coming round the mountain".


  11. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    Denyce - That is so funny about your husky. What a cutie. There's a husky that goes to the dog park and howls at everybody as if to say "hello". It's like she wants to start a conversation with you. It's so funny and very cute. I often wonder what she's trying to say?

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    State College PA
    I always figure Sequoia is saying....."Hello...I am here..worship me properly please". Tomorrow we are going to Philadelphia and staying in Center City in the Hotel Sofitel which is suppose to be a luxury hotel which welcomes pets. I can't wait till Sequoia walks into the lobby and sits down and howls like a wolf till everyone notices her.


  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Kelowna, BC
    I'm at school so I can't hear Nebo.

    Very rarely Timber will howl. It's always when she hears an ambulance. She will let out a long, soft, pure unwavering note. It's so beautiful. Everyone else I know hates it but I love to hear a dog howl.

    Btw -- you should hear Tikeya. She sounds like a dying cow LOL. It's really funny and cute. Sometimes I will hear her and think I hear a crying baby. Next time I see her I'll bring my camera.
    Last edited by wolfsoul; 03-10-2005 at 03:25 PM.
    I've been BOO'd!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Too Funny! You go Nebo!

    None of mine howl. Maddie use to yodel. Oz does a pretty good wounded bear imitiation. Gull shrieks and has all kinds of moan and groan sounds. And Murph just has a normal bark. He's generally pretty quiet, which is a blessing, when you've got 2 vocal Collies.


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  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    My dogs are howling fools! They howl in unison several times a day, usually just after my alarm goes off at 6:30am, again just before their dinner time and precisely at 10pm--you could set a watch by that one! We call it Choir Practice.

    They also howl and carry on like fools when they see their harnesses or one of my "dog walking" outfits. they know some of them are going to get to do something fun! Howling sometimes comes along with a good game of Husky Chase too.

    There is another dog team down the road from us. The two teams talk to each other pretty regularly. I know when my neighbor is feeding, harnessing or outside in his yard.

    They rarely bark. Barking means a bear or a moose is in the forest behind us. Ozzy barks when he sees someone he doesn't know. Frantic barking means there is a fight or about to be a fight.

    Bandit actually carries on converstations. He wooos and then waits for a response and then continues--just like he was talking to me.

    Founder is the noisest of all the dogs. He carries on like an idiot when he's in the pen. He thinks he should be allowed to be in the big yard 24/7. The way he acts you'd think the pen was a tiny crate, not an acre in size!

    Raven squeals when she's happy. It's a horrible noise! The first sign that she doesn't feel well though is always that she stops squealing. The noise isn't as bad at our place. She was deafening in the small shelter building!
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
    --John Irving

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