IT CERTAINLY SOUNDS TO ME LIKE THESE FOLKS SHOULD NOT EVEN CONSIDER A DOG!! Would the dog be tied up all day outside? Or allowed to roam free? Besides the obvious fact of the weather in your area, what about other animals or roads nearby? Why get a dog if it is just to live outside all day? In my state, it is illegal to keep a dog outside without any shelter. I could understand if they needed a dog like a border collie or an australian shepherd to help on the farm but otherwise, what is their motivation? They don't want a "pet" obviously. It is very detrimental to a dog's health to be tied up all the time. They are also susceptible to attack from other animals. Who is going to take care of the dog? Feed it, cleanup after it, take it to the vet, bathe it, cut his nails, give him flea/tick medication, heartworm medication? If they are responsible pet owners, they will need to have it neutered/spayed to avoid more homeless animals. What if the dog attacks/kills the chickens and/or the turkeys? Or the barn cats? What will happen to the animal then?
In my opinion, these people do not need a dog. If they want one, perhaps they should get a small house pet, like a dachsund. Or if they have their heart set on a poodle, get one. But make it an inside pet that they will love and cherish and treat like a member of the family.