This is what happens when the weather is nice. They play outside and poor Cinny gets COVERED in dead grass. She doesn't shake off prior to running in the pet door and into the house, and I swear, as soon as she steps foot in the house, she shakes off and rolls on the carpet! I cannot wait for the yard to green up again!

Here's a few pics from the play session that resulted in Cinny being covered in grass..

FYI - that's Chester, not a BIG MOUTH bass!

It's not a flying squirrel either-just Chester again!

Should we? Oh, why not? (I love Millie's expression here)

Think she's had enough?

Apparently not.

See the birdbath in the last pic? We moved it to the other side of the fence because the dogs kept running into it while they were playing. All those times they hit it, it never fell over. It was on the other side one day and the wind blew it over. Grrrr!