Originally posted by RICHARD
It reminds me of the old jingle -

Candy coated popcorn, peanuts and a prize....
THAT'S what you get in Cracker Jacks!!!
I had forgotten that one Richard! Thanks for the link too. I was trying to describe to Randi yesterday what Cracker Jacks were, don't know if she understood or not so now she can see what they are!

I've got two things running through my head. First is the 7th inning stretch song that Sara mentioned in her post, and the 2nd is this idiotic childhood nursery rhyme:

Jack Sprat could eat no fat
His wife could eat no lean
And so betwixt them both you see
They licked the platter clean!

Who in the world comes up with this stuff?! But I cannot for the life of me get it out of my head.

I noticed in the first video I posted you can sort of see how Cracker Jack holds his tail up - after the zoom in for the purring.

My battery is dead on my camera. Thank goodness I have a spare because it looks like I need to take lots and lots of pics tonight.