One of our members, Terri, who is Golden Smiles here at Pet Talk, and Sugarbear over at Golden Retriever has lost her Otis.....the Golden boy she kept out of her last litter of puppies. I am not handling this news very well, but I knew you would want to know and keep Terri and her family in your prayers. I have copied and am pasting the message from GR over to this board.

Hello everyone,

I just received an e mail from Terri aka sugarbear and the news made my soul weep.

She has been having problems posting this <MSN glitch---I think>

I am copying the email and pasteing it here.

Please say Prayers for her and her family and send strength to endure the agony until smiles and memories ease her pain. And pray for our baby OTIS who has been taken to the bridge---- he was born on this site.

Give your babies a gnuggle and hold them dear.

Hi Debbi~
I have tried 2x to write this on the golden site, but quit mid story, it is
just too hard. On tues, the 19th, i came home from work and let Amos and Otis
out first and fed the(too much food aggression if the girls are out too)
about a half hour later I went to switch them, and two of the slats of the
6ft stockade fence were knocked loose and the boys were gone. I heard barking
and some ruckus, but that's usual especially when the little Boston terrier
up the street comes over and torments from the other side of the fence! I
immediately started lokking and calling for them, notified neighbors who went
looking also. I thought I would head to the playground or the creek up the
street and find them quickly as usual(they get loose 2-3x a year)After an
hour I was scared.i called the police, the humane society and the local
shelter etc and went out looking with hubby in 2 cars. We looked for 3 hours
until it was dark and came home and prayed for a call. The phone rang at 7;45
and said "is this the Amos residence?" They read Amos's Id and thought that
was our last name, I was so happy. they said "do you have 2 goldens?" I
screamed "they found them" and the lady then said "Im so sorry, one is dead
and the other will not leave his side, and I'm afraid he's going to get hit
also".(she was calling from her cell phone, the person who hit him did not
stop) We went right there, to the bridge next to Elk Creek where they swam a
lot in the summer, they were both soaked, and my poor baby was gone. It was
the worst thing i had ever seen. Amos was right there next to him, Otis died
instantly. He was such a spoiled baby, my husbands shadow, he was THE
sweetest we've ever had, I think because he was in our bed from week 2 on. My
husband was and is devastated, I have never seen him in 11 years sob like he
did, it was all a nightmare. I don't feel like doing anything, i feel lost,
and my family is so sad. The boys stayed home from school the next day as did
Terry and I. I miss him so much. I needed to share this, and get it off my
chest, thanks for listening and give all your babies a hug and kiss from us,
Terri and family
P.S Deb, if you wouldn't mind posting this for me, I would appreciate it.