Funny story: Brodie cried a lot more last night in the bathroom. His room (the bathroom) is right next to Josie's room (she stays shut in her room at night) . . . my hubby woke up because of these two . . . the baby was crying and Josie was doing her low moaning cry. I think Brodie kept Josie up all night! Just wait till they move in together though . . . he'll really drive her nuts!

We took Brodie to the vet yesterday for his first set of shots & another de-wormer.

I'm glad to say that he has gained ONE OUNCE since Monday! He's now up to a whopping ONE POUND!

I wanted to give you all an idea about how big (or small) he is.

He's about the size of a beanie baby:

This is after we gave him a bath on Tuesday. I wanted to take more, but he was shaking and I hated to unwrap him any more.

And here he is just looking comfy & cozy. He's so spoiled already, as you can see:

Josie being herself, playing & being silly:

This one is especially for Eliot! She's striking a pose for you, buddy!

I can't wait to get them together & take pics of them loving on each other! (wishful thinking?)