For some reason, if Kirin and Sushi are "loose" (meaning having run of the house) they prefer to drink water from Samantha's bowl as opposed to their own. Don't know why. So because I've been treating their ailments (Kirin's URI, Sushi's conjunctivitis) by putting terramycin in their water, I want them to drink only THAT water so they'll get the antibiotic.

This morning, I asked my husband to clean out the litter box and put it in the spare bathroom. I moved their crunchies and water up there as well and left, thinking that he didn't need any further instruction to put the cats in there and close the door as well.

I came home early (not feeling well) and was greeted by Samantha, as usual... and Sushi... and Kirin. My husband MOVED the litter box but didn't shut the boys in the spare room! Since their food was left unprotected, Samantha ate it all so the poor kitties have been starving all day AND not drinking their treated water!

And he wonders why I feel I have to give him 4 instructions to do 1 simple thing! What a weiner. So now, instead of having had them only having access to their own water from 9am-2pm, I'm going to have to put them up there NOW for a few hours, and miss having them around.

