I know we don't have a "Memorial" place for humans, so I'm putting this here.

31 years ago today my Mom, Joanne Ploss, died at the age of 44 from lung cancer that traveled to her brain. I remember it as if it were yesterday (I was only 19). I didn't get to say goodbye to her as they took her out of my house at 2 a.m. on an ambulance stretcher.

Mom, you were my best friend, confidante and mentor. You made me laugh when I was sad, taught me everything I know about life. I only wish I was closer to CT so I could commemorate your passing by placing flowers on your grave.

Rest in peace Mom. I know you're near me because I get signs every once in a while. I only wish you lived long enough to meet your granddaughter Amy. She is the spitting image of you.

Love and hugs,



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