As most of you know, I take shelter dogs for overnights frequently as a break from the shelter and a training opportunity (Odie found a great home btw! And so did Alexia, my last foster ). Here's my latest girl, Nina. I'm not fostering her, just having her spend a few nights a week. She's a WONDERFUL dog but she needs tons of work on housebreaking right now. When I had her here, she held it for 16 hours because she won't potty in front of people. I even took her on a 3 mile walk and then sat in the grass for an hour and she never went. I tried EVERYTHING under the sun. She didn't even have an accident in the house - poor girl. We saved her from the kill shelter. She only has one ear and the vet believes she was born that way. I personally think one of her littermates must've munched it off when they were newborns, but I'm not a vet. Anyway, enough yacking from me, here's the cute girl (she's 5 months old):