Magoo says "Hi Y'all"

Check out these things Mom brought home! I wasn't too happy at first but I'm getting used to them now. I just don't like hearing mom talk baby talk to them because I thought that was reserved just for me!!! Mom says they are kind of cute. I guess I will just have to share mom for a while. *sigh*

Here's a picture of Abigail after the horrid bath experience. Poor baby!

The bath was exhausting and ended in two kitten pile

Rosco is the spitting image of Sammy when he was a baby. I feel like I have been thrown back in time. Here is Sammy with his little Mini Me

Tiny little Abigail

Rosco being silly

Rosco asleep in my lap. I got a neck ache from just looking at him!

Little Abigail getting a chin and head scritchie

She's so tiny it looks like she's standing next to swimming pool!

Those are the newest pictures of the babies.

No luck yet with the third kitten. I WILL WIN! I just don't know when. I really worry about him/her. Poor thing.