My dog, a 2 y.o., 50 lb. shepherd mix, sometimes lunges and growls at passing people while I walk her on the leash. The thing is that she ONLY does this to people approaching us whom I can tell are afraid of dogs, in other words they see us coming and they move way over on the sidewalk. Is Kona lunging because she can sense their fear and thus that makes her afraid/defensive or does she become suspicious of them because I suddenly reel her in closer to me?

She has never bitten a person and, other than these instances, is a sweetheart to everyone. We got her from the shelter when she was 2 mos. old and has lived like a queen ever since so I can't really attribute it to anything negative in her past.

I guess I'm not really looking for advice her (unless you have some!), just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if you think my theory of her sensing their fear is correct.
