Man,, it just gets worse for this breed I tell ya,, its not fair!!!! REALLY not fair!

Ontario mulls province-wide ban on pit bulls
Last Updated Tue, 31 Aug 2004 07:25:03 EDT
TORONTO - Ontario is considering a province-wide ban on pit bulls following a weekend attack on a Toronto man, the province's attorney general says.

FROM AUG. 29, 2004: Pit bulls attack man in Toronto

"If we are banning or otherwise restricting otherwise dangerous weapons, why would we not include these animals as well?" Michael Bryant told the Toronto Star.

Municipalities already have the option of banning pit bulls under the Ontario Municipal Act.

"We're just looking into whether the province should also get involved," he said.

Toronto police shot and killed two pit bull terriers Saturday after they suddenly attacked a 25-year-old man who was walking the animals for a friend

There were reports that the man may lose an arm as a result of the attack.