Hi everyone. It's been very hot here the last couple of days as well as during the night. I don't have air conditioning so I decided to leave a fan running all night in my bedroom. I've done this before without any problems.

Sky woke me up at 4am on Sat. morning. He kept crying and crying and I didn't know what was wrong with him. I thought he was hungry and just wanted an early breakfast. I had to take him out of my room and shut my door for a while.

This morning he woke me up at 3am and kept crying and crying. I was trying to figure out what has been different these last two nights and then I remembered the fan. I turned the fan off and then Sky calmed down and went back to sleep.

Later on I fed them and then went back to bed. I then decided to turn the fan back on. My furkids were happily bird watching in the other room. Eventually Sky came in my room and started crying again. This time I just ignored him and he left the room. I sure hope that our heat spell won't last too much longer so I can finally get a good nights sleep.

Are any of your cats afraid of fans? If I were Sky I'd love to sleep with a cool breeze blowing on my long fur. I know that Storm enjoys this.