far is this from you? I hope it doesn't hit the shelter you're with.

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Killer cat virus spreading in Saginaw County

The Associated Press
8/7/2004, 12:22 p.m. ET

SAGINAW, Mich. (AP) — Animal welfare officials say a preventable viral outbreak sweeping Saginaw County is killing hundreds of cats.

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The virus, called panleukopenia, likely killed nearly 800 cats this summer, said Mark Wachner, director of the Animal Care Center.

The disease attacks a cat's white blood cells, making the animal more susceptible to other complications and bacterial infections.

"This could be prevented with just normal vaccinations," Wachner told The Saginaw News for a story Saturday. "Cats are among the most neglected domestic animals in the country," adding that they also need regular exams.

Dr. Nancy Frank, acting state veterinarian, said panleukopenia mostly affects kittens because their immune systems aren't strong enough to ward off the disease.

"It usually shows up in animal shelters, where there are a lot of stray cats brought in without their shots," Frank said.

"In a kitten, it can wipe out 98 percent of the cells in a 24-hour period. It's really quick," said Ellen Newton, a veterinarian assistant at the center.

Animal health officials are urging pet owners to keep cats indoors.