
From: CROW_NOIR Nov-10 11:08 pm
To: ALL (1 of 1)

ok, you all know i am nuts about the natural/raw diet for cats and dogs. well, i have found a dog food well above the rest in quality. i will still vouch for Pet Botanics. but this one defintly beats the heck out of IAMS and Ol' Roy. (no offence to anyone who doth beleive in these products.) http://ighawaii.com/naturally/wysong/dogfood.html
lists ingredients on some of the dogfoods.
is the official site

i went to the store the other day to pick up a bag of it to mix in w/ King's dog food and i picked up a pamphlet. i was reading about their processing practices and ingredient lists. i was so drop jaw! i mean, they, a dog food company was suggesting supplimenting their food w/ fresh and/or raw meats and veggies!!!

i was planning on telling you all about Wysong pet foods, but i figure it is better if you read it for yourself.

these can all be found from the main page by clicking on "Education Questions Controversies" www.wysong.net/wysong_education_litature.htm
and you can find so much more on this link too.

so, i come online to look at other products. they are more then a dog food company!! they have a human line! so i sent for a catalogue and i just got it in the mail today. i am sooooo impressed w/ this company!!! not related, to me being impressed, but their human line is bigger than their companion animal line.

if anyone wants to order from them i'm going to be sending away for referral coupons. (you can get 20% off your total purchase.) (i only get 5 so it is first come first serve.)

(go ahead and go on the internet and order a free catalogue. it was a pain in the a$$ trying to figure out how to order w/o an account at first, but i finally got the hang of it.)

i plan on writing a letter to Kymythy R. Schultze (writer of Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats: the Ultimate Diet) and getting her professional oppinion on the product. wish me luck w/ that.

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