Ding Dong! The doorbell rang and I saw the mail truck drive away. Hubby excitedly brought in a package and said it must be from Italy because it said frageelay on it!

Everyone gathered around to sniff. I read that it came from Tennessee and was from Kimlovescats! My giftswap package. How exciting!!

OK-give me a minute to open it up now

WOW! Would you look at all these neat things that were in there??? Toys, Temptations and even some CAT GRASS for me to grow for the babies

And THIS was just for ME Two beautiful boxes for my collection. I love them!!! Pinks, blues and purple - my favorite colors and pretty florals, too. Well, my personal siggy designer kinda knows what I like.

I had to put them out right away! They are glass and do not dare get them broken! Mirrors in the bottom also