You may remember me talking about my brother's three cats before - well, Pippin is the 20-pound polydactyl blonde Maine Coon cat wannabe whom I have never met in person before. The only proof I ever had of his existence were photographs and copious quanti ties of yellow cat hair on their dark green couch. He, who has been a spoiled housecat since the age of 8 or so weeks, is extremely people-shy, for no good reason.

But today, on my sister-in-law's birthday, we girls were getting ready to go to dinner, and Miss Marilyn (age 2 3/4) wanted "diapy" changed over on momma's bed. So we went in there, plunked her on the bed, and out strolled Pippin as we were changing Miss M. He strolled over, as if he'd never been shy, demanded petting, head-butted me, and generally palled around with us for several minutes!

I was stunned!

He is a very solid kitty, and Miss M pointed out to me that he has a very pretty tail, too.

I am now among the ranks of a very elite group of human beings. I petted Pippin! ::