Hi everyone. Tomorrow is Sky's gotcha day and I've also decided to make it his official birthday too. He'll be 2 tomorrow. I can't believe that I've had him for 1 year already.

I went to a cat show today and I brought some of Sky's pictures with me. There were some Ragdoll's there and since I think he's a Ragdoll mix I asked the Ragdoll lady if she thought so too. She told me that he looks like a Norwegian Forest Cat mix because he has the triangular shaped head. Since there were also Norwegian Forest Cats there, I decided to ask another lady who owned a few of them. She thinks he's a mixture of both Ragdoll and Norwegian Forest Cat. Well whatever he is he's my gorgeous boy with a wonderful personality too.

This is how Sky looked when I first adopted him last year on June 7,2003. He was shaved because his fur was matted.

This is how he looked in March 2004.

This is how he looks today. I took this picture this morning. He's lost a lot of his ruff. I guess it's due to the warmer weather.

The Humane Society was also at the Cat Show and I talked to them since I had adopted him from them last year. I learned that the notch in his ear is from a TNR which means trap, neuter, and release. He must have been hanging out with a feral colony and got trapped and then they realised that he wasn't feral so he was brought to the Humane Society to be adopted.

[color=sky blue] HAPPY GOTHCHA DAY & 2nd BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS SKY!!![/color]

I love you and I'm so glad that we found each other.