I've been wanting a ferret for about 6 years (waaaah), and am constantly researching them. I'm still not getting one too soon, but hopefully within the next year (I also want birds, but think ferrets will be MUCH safer to have around my cats). Anyway, I know how curious ferrets are, how they like to hoarde stuff in hiding places, and how they like to chew and dig. Reading about all this constantly makes me a bit worried about ferret-proofing. I mean, it seems impossible! My plan is to get a ferret when I own a house. That way I can have a safe ferret play room. I'd also like them to be able to run around the house with me too. (I'd have them in a cage at night or when I'm not home). But that brings me to another point - they are soooo small and can fit into so many places. I'm worried if he's out of the cage playing, could a ferret easily get lost in the house ?

I assume you just have to very closely supervise at all times and pay attention to what your ferret likes to chew on. I think I'm most worried about him swalloing something and getting a blockage. Opps, I'm starting to talk like I already have one

I got to play with 3 ferrets yesterday at the pet store and I was so heartbroken to leave them. They were soooooo funny! I love their antics and can't wait to have 1 or 2 of my own!