I took my 2 cats in for dental work a couple days ago; one was fine and got his teeth all cleaned (Punkin-Head Jones). The vet called me about the other one, 8 year old Chelsea, saying that they were concerned about her possible negative reaction to the anesthesia as it appears that she had a heart murmur. (Not noted a few months ago at her last exam.) They didn't do any dental work on her - recommended I take her to another place for an ultrasound.

I just called and found out that it's going to cost $80.00 to see the vet cardiologist and another $250.00 for the ultrasound. Ouch! (Then I can take her back to get the dental work done for another $265.00)

Anyone had any experience with heart murmur?? She acts perfectly normal. Is this necessary?? What else can I expect??? Is it too late to do anything about getting vet insurance???

Thanks, Evelyn