We went today to Reykjavik and we were driving near one stable, so I just couldn't drive away and don't take some pics... and here they are.. enjoy

P.S.I love taking pics, but I'm just begginner and I think at the best I love taking pics with horses, because it's quite easy to take photos with them...

Just grey horse.. who didn't like people..

This colored horse was very friendly and I think he liked when I took photo of him..

Cute horse, whi was taking sun baths... I love his white snip on his nose..

I just loved this lil bay horsey.. he/she was VERRRRY friendly and walked with me all the time...

and again that colorful horse...

And that lil bay horse

And black horse with long main...

So, how do you like these horses? and what do you think, can I take photos quite good???