I have a 11 year old male Tabby,
"Montanna" he is very big, about 19lbs we had him neutered when he was 6 months old, but I have the feeling he wasn't done right he still sprays. We have a backyard that is cat proof and he has fll run of it anytime he wants.. he has his perimeters he has to spray everyday.. he sometimes sprays in the house (which drives me crazy) and when he uses his litter box, he starts off sitting then ends standing, of coarse spraying the floor and wall I love this big guy to death and have just learned to clean up after him. I was wondering if anybody else has this problem with their males.. I have found though if I put "hot sauce" on places he has sprayed in the house, he dosn't spray there again.. but the sauce looks worse than the spray mark
