GRR! I am really mad at my mom.

She comes to pick us up from my dad's and I go, "Mom, have you at least changed Charlie's water since I've been to your house? (Which was Wednesday). She goes "No."

Now, I may be wrong, but the water needs to be changed every day in my mind. She just DOESN'T UNDERSTAND that she NEEDS to take more responsibility with this bird. The cage hasn't been CLEANED since I've been here. It makes me so mad. I know the cage is supposed to be cleaned every week, but GRR! She makes me so mad!

But THEN-- oh yes, there's a "but then"...

We go to KMart to get my bro some jeans. I ask for this Digi camera (Canon Powershot a10 I think...) They KNOW I've wanted one for so long... and it was on sale for $105... I was in shock! I was like "Mom, this is the best camera you can get, it comes with a hook up and a memory card." She says no, she can't afford it. I understand, and we keep moving.

Don't call me selfish, but wouldn't you be mad? Keep reading.

So we can't afford this camera right now (understandable.) But then, she goes and picks up a rug (FOR OUR CARPETED LIVING ROOM) and some stupid cushions, and all together, she buys this crap and it comes out to $167.


Then on top of that, she buys my bro some Pokemon cards.