I don't normally ask people for their thoughts on my personal life and responsibilities, but this is a little different, I'm dealing with the life of two frogs too.

Today I came home from staying the night at Nomilynns (I was too tired to drive the three hours). In that time, enough water had evaporated in my frog tank to bring the PH level to off the chart ratings. The moment I stepped in my room I tested the water to find this out, I looked to make sure they were both there and only saw one. I lifted out the little castle to see if one was hiding, nothing. In the tree? nope... $h*t where the... so I tore apart my room looking for a corpse now (underwater frogs have about 5 minutes to live out of water, so I'm told). I searched for about an hour feeling so dreadful that I cost this frog it's life. Well I eventually found him, in the tank . He was still in the castle, little bugger. So not dead, but the PH is an issue. I brought it down but now I'm wondering. Am I responsible enough to keep these pets. I talked to the fish store owner and he said that he would keep them if I wanted to try and stablize the tank and then I could have them back, but for now I'm just watching the levels and bringing them down little by little. *sigh*

So discouraged and scared, and .. if anyone gives me the "they are just frogs" ... I'll go ballistic

Your thoughts?

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