
i know this isn't about pets but i need to get this out ok those who have seizures or a loved one w/ seizures may understand this better.

today i woke up and my parents were going nuts and i was half asleep and confused anyway they said i had a seizure which i have no recolection of it i mean i put up a fight about it ,i kept saying no i didn't have a seizure.but then again my parents don't hear the TV very good and i live upstairs so i oviously had one what else could it of been.shortly after my fight w/ my parents they go down stairs and i sit in bed till i feel like its ok to get up.

then i came in here and got a awful nose bleed i'm guessing from the seizure or seizures i had.right now i feel tired and hopeless i'll never be cured unless some miiricale comes along.why me why anyone for that matter annacent people are suffering epilepsy and yet no cure.at the moment i really hate my life.

webster had seizures too (my first dog i got to love) i'm so glad he no longer suffers but i miss him like crazy.i felt so close to him.

tommorow i'll more likely have bruises.right now i have a hheadache.to think i was starting to think my life was finally getting better then BAM i am back at square one.

thanks for listening i needed to get this out.all i can do is cry.
