I dropped Murph off at the vet's last night for ACL surgery on his knee today. He jumped off the bed last week and tore the ligament. The vet felt the risk of blowing out the other knee would be reduced if we went ahead with the surgery and since Murph is very energetic and healthy for his age, he should bounce back from this okay. We've got 4 weeks of crate time ahead of us though, which I know is going to be hard for him, but thank goodness he was crated trained when he was young. That length of time is going to bad enough as is, it would be an absolute nitemare if he hated the crate.

Oz was somewhat depressed that Murph didn't come home with me last night. He had to go through this last week, when Murph had the x-rays done, so I think he already knows he's gonna have to spend the day by himself and wasn't happy about it. I had a lil' talk with him and told him not worry, his lil' buddy would be okay and back in a couple of days, so hopefully he'll be alright today and I'll get to go home and check on him at lunch.

The vet's suppose to call later today and let me know that Murph's okay. That Murph, he's so funny. He just loves being at the vets. When it was time to leave him last night, he bounced over to me to say goodbye, but no long goodbyes for him. I scratched his head, he licked my hand and then bounced right back to the vet. *shaking my head*. He's the one having the surgery, yet he's ecstatically happy and poor Oz is home depressed.

Anybody else have to go through ACL surgery with their dog?
