My busy boy wouldn't come inside when I called him last night. Usually he makes a beeline to the door immediately. I could see him sitting in the flower bed messing with something. Finally he picked it up and brought it to me. As he was walking towards me, I thought he might have a bird or a mouse, but NO !!! It was a little snake, about as big around as a pencil, and about a foot long. He was throwing it up in the air, dropping it, and then doing it all over again. The snake was definitely dead after all that tossing and Butter thought it was the best toy ever!

I absolutely hate snakes, all snakes, and hate the thought of any of them being in my yard. Just a couple of months ago, my Golden Retriever, Honey, caught one a little larger in the backyard and did the exact same thing as Butter, played with it until she killed it. I am just glad that these are more like garden snakes than something larger and more dangerous. I know these snakes are harmless...but for me a good snake is a dead snake. Sorry to any of you snake lovers out there.