Cadeau is a cone head!!
Cadeau's lump on he hind leg is now bleeding & HUGE!! (she was licking it)
She saw the vet today & its gonna cost $1100.00can. to get 5 lumps removed. Shes going in tomorrow & she can't eat (but it was ok for us to give her a few treats after we put the cone on.
She keeps walking into things, getting stuck. I had to turn he table onto its side cause she got stuck & was dragging her table around the living room. Its been half an hour since shes had the cone on & shes finally sleeping (where her table use to be).

She tried to go under the door & got stuck.

Trying to fit onto the doggie bed (shes too big for it)

for more pics heres her Album Cadeau's Album

I've been babing Cadeau so she doesn't feel too bad.
& I'll be taking more pics of her