[Hmmm...this will be a challenge, to think of phonetic spellings for these sounds... ]

I adopted a rescued kitten a few months ago and, due to the quantity and volume of his purring, I named him Evinrude. He has the most unusual, adorable way of communicating. It sounds like he's saying "Brrrruuuuddt?" (with a Spanish-style rolling-R; the U's are as in 'cute'). I put the question mark on the end, because the pitch of the sound goes up, like when you ask a question. Sometimes he says several short ones, like "Brrdt-brrtt-bdtt?" Note: it is not the same "chatter" sound that I've heard cats make when they are watching birds.

He talks like this in all situations--
when directed at or responding to me,
when with his "brother" Foster [another cat],
when begging for snacks,
when he is asleep and something startles him awake, or
when he's just trotting down the hallway alone.

I've only heard Evinrude say a standard "meow" about twice in his life, and it was particularly pipsqueaky/babyish although he is about 10 months old now.

Does anyone else's cat talk like this? Does your cat say other unusual "words"?