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Thread: Chewing Dilemma- PLEASE HELP!!

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    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin

    Chewing Dilemma- PLEASE HELP!!

    We are having a major issue in the chewing department with our little puppy Sammy. He is chewing on anything and everything. He is destroying a lot of items in our house, and he shows no signs of stopping- it is getting worse. Just the other day I had to pull a thumbtack out of his mouth, which he had pulled out of the corkboard and was gnawing on.

    Today my mom discovered our bathroom faucet completely chewed and scratched up.

    It's kind of hard to get a good picture of that, since the faucet is rather shiny. Basically, all the horizontal lines that you can see aren't supposed to be there. I also discovered that he started on the bathtub faucet handle.

    He also chewed up our USB cord for the digital camera, thank the Lord I found him on time and took it away. He had pulled it out of the little area where we kept it. It still works-phew!

    There is one particular item he chewed up that made me FURIOUS when I discovered it. I mean I was so mad, I couldn't even look at him, touch him, be near him, nothing- which is pretty severe seeing how he is Sammy, my little muffin. That item is my yellow Labrador Retriever statue that my mom gave me for Christmas last year, it cost her a pretty penny too ($75). Oh boy, let's not talk about that anymore- I am still upset about that.

    He has also chewed open every single bag of cat and dog food (for the rats) bags we have ever bought. He would paw open the pantry door, if it wasn't closed tight, and go into the pantry!!! I will be sitting in the other room watching T.V. and hear food containers come crashing down and bags being krinkled- to find Sammy in the pantry!! Mom set a bag of cat food down for 5 seconds, and in 1.5 seconds there was an orange sized hole in the bag, and Sam had his head shoved in the bag eating the kibble. Here is a picture of the Natural Balance dog food bag:

    The food has been placed far out of Sam's least for now...but knowing Sam, he will get to it again.

    What can we do to stop this little monster from chewing us out of house and home- he is worse than a darn beaver!! I don't think we could use any of that bitter apple spray...the house would have to be dowsed with it using a fire hose. I understand he has to chew because he is teething, but how can we get him to chew on designated chewing objects instead of our house and household goods!?!?


    ~YLL (and ACGAS too)

    * He also chews on our ANKLES
    Last edited by Desert Arabian; 12-11-2012 at 03:21 PM.

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