Hi All,

A couple of people have asked me how I'm doing. So I thought I would go ahead and update everyone.

I am doing very well! I have seen the doc and been given the thumbs up and the all clear sign!! Woo Hoo! My insides are still a little raw and tender from the radiation but "healing nicely" as the doc says. My side effects are nearly gone now. Once in awhile I do feel like I have a relapse with the fatigue. The doc says that will be normal for awhile. Basically, I am feeling wonderful!! I go back to the doc in March and then I see the other doc in June. After that I will go every 6 months. Yes! I'm a little bit tired of all the docs but I know that it is important to always stick with the follow ups.

I KNOW that I am a very lucky girl. I realize now that my battle with cancer was nothing compared to other cancer patients that I met through my journey. Yes, I did go through 2 surgeries and 28 radiation treatments, but my cancer was caught at a very early stage and looking back now I see that it was nothing compared to what other patients go through. I'm not trying to minimize what I have went through...its...just...I know how lucky I am. Its hard to put into words.

Three people that I met through my support/education group have died. Each time that I heard this news I have felt very blue and sad and then at the same time I feel very grateful and lucky. It is an odd feeling to go through.

There have been lots of good things that have come from this. This might sound silly..but at the top of my list is KATIE! We brought her home to bring some joy and happiness into our lives when we were going through a difficult time and Katie has definitely filled that role!! Just the other day we were laughing at something Katie had done and my husband said "You know we probably wouldn't have gotten her if you hadn't been sick". We just smiled at each other and I said "I know". Losing our other dog was so painful we didn't think we would ever get another. See, Good Things!! Katie is laying right here beside me sleeping and I am running my foot up and down her leg. What could be better.

Once again, thanks to all of you for being around and letting me talk and carry on about all of this. You all have no idea how much Pet Talk has helped me through all of this. Pet Talk was always here and I could come and sit down anytime and type away.

Now...Let's get on with life....YES!!!!!

Love ya all....Robin