Jake is 7 years old and has never bitten anybody! But he bit my little nephew Wednesday. He actually drew blood and left a big bruise on Nicky's face!

We were just floored. He's usually so tolerant.

We had just arrived at my sister's after driving down to Arkansas from Michigan. That was the longest car ride Jake has ever been on. There were a lot of people there. Jake went to sniff the garbage and Nicky went up and timidly patted him on the flank. Jake turned around and snarled, and in a flash he had Nicky's face in his mouth!! Lots of people saw it happen. Nicky didn't approach him quickly or bend over him or pull his hair or anything!

I wonder why he did that??? Nicky's 4 years old and has "bad luck with dogs". I guess he's been bitten 5 times already. Honestly - he wasn't doing anything to provoke it. I wonder what it is about him?

The next day they were fine together. Nicky brought Jake everywhere with him and layed down next to him and everything, no problem.

What do you think?