As mentioned in the other topic, Lily's brother Baghira has been neutered today and their mommy, Miss Marple, was spayed. They live with friends of mine.

I've been there this afternoon, and the cats were fine, of course weak and dizzy, and they were in pain, especially Miss Marple. She growled and hissed as soon as she tried to walk.

In the evening, my friend opened the front door to let the dogs in the garden - and what no one has expected happened: Miss Marple, suddenly fast as a lightning, opened the door that was left ajar, and ran outside. I tried to stop her but she was too fast. She ran alway from my friend, something she usually never does, but the poor girl was confused and in pain, and not fully out of anesthesia. We tried to catch her, but she eventually disappeared in one of neighbors's garden.

My friend called the vet to ask how long the drugs of the anesthesia remain in her system, and he said she wouldn't be fully recovered from that till late at night. And - of course - she also has the incision from the surgery. Needless to say, there are many many dangers out there for a cat in that state.

She is an outdoor cat and knows her environment very well, and I hope she'smart enough to hide in a safe place until she feels better and then comes back home for breakfast.

But maybe some positive thoughts from us will help her in this situation.
