Ally and Connor have, up till now, been getting on fairly well. (Connor has now been here for 5 weeks, and they have been fully integrated for three weeks).

Over the past couple of days their playfull "stand-offs" have escalated to the point where the house feels like a war zone. High pitched howling and low growling, after which they will sometimes just walk away, but are sometimes having a "go" at each other. I just returned from a short trip to the shops to find tufts of hair floating around (Connor's this time - yesterday it was Ally's hair )

Ally has been quite antagonistic towards Connor - if he walks past her she will swipe at his butt, or if he is sleeping on a chair she will sit under the chair and "whack" him with her front paw.

I think that Connor has eventually gotten fed up with her and has decided to fight back.

I am keeping their claws really short, to try to minimise the damage they can do to each other, but it has gotten so bad at night that I have to put them in separate rooms, otherwise no-one gets any sleep.

Any suggestions???